Four Tet különkiadás!01. The xx: VCR (Matthew Dear Remix)02. Kings Of Convenience: Weight Of My words (Four Tet Remix)03. Four Tet: As Serious As Your Life04. Joe Goddard: Apple Bobbing (Four Tet Remix)05. High Places: On Giving Up06. Tanlines: Real Life (Memory Tapes Remix)07. Caribou: Odessa08.…
Beat Connection kevés dumával, eklektikával, a végén egy xenofób magyar ska számmal, kéretik nem feljelenteni minket. Letölthető itt.01. Dragonette: Fixin' To Thrill02. Grizzly Bear: Two Weeks (Fred Falke Radio Mix)03. VEGA: No Reasons04. Colouring In: Intergalactic Romantic (Demo Radio…